Application Plans
Early Action
Non-Binding Application Plan
Application Deadline
Notification Date*
Applicants automatically considered for Richmond Scholars and Presidential Scholarships
Richmond's Early Action plan is non-restrictive
Learn moreEarly Decision I
Binding Application Plan
Application Deadline
Notification Date*
Early Decision I applicants automatically considered for Richmond Scholars and Presidential Scholarships
Learn moreEarly Decision II
Binding Application Plan
Application Deadline
Notification Date*
Early Decision II applicants automatically considered for Presidential Scholarships
Applicants must apply by December 1 for Richmond Scholars consideration
Learn moreRegular Decision
Non-Binding Application Plan
Application Deadline
Notification Date*
Applicants automatically considered for Presidential Scholarships
Applicants must apply by December 1 for Richmond Scholars consideration
Learn moreTransfer Admission
Non-Binding Application Plan
Application Deadlines
Notification Dates*
Richmond accepts transfer applicants for the fall and spring semesters
Learn more*Approximate date

Merit Scholarships
The Richmond Scholars Program is the University’s most prestigious academic scholarship. Up to 25 incoming students receive these awards — which are equivalent to full tuition, room, and meals — and join our growing worldwide community of Richmond Scholars. First year applicants must apply by December 1 to be considered.
The Presidential Scholarship is the University’s other prestigious academic scholarship awarded to up to 80 incoming students each year. The award is one-third tuition for four years. All first year applicants are considered.

International Admission
The Richmond community finds immeasurable strength in a far-reaching variety of perspectives and experiences. That’s one big reason that one in 10 UR students are not U.S. citizens. We welcome and celebrate applications from all students, regardless of citizenship or residency.