Grace Clarke

Admission Counselor
Grace Clarke

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

Education: B.A., English and Leadership Studies, University of Richmond

What’s your favorite location campus that’s not on our tour? There’s a secret library on the
third floor of the Humanities Building that’s a hidden gem on campus. It’s super cozy and the
best place to get away to read or study. That, or the Mind Body Yoga Studio on the second floor
of the Well-Being Center. It’s a beautiful room with great light.

As a Richmonder, what’s your favorite restaurant in the city? Richmond has some of the
best restaurants ever, but some of my favorites are Stella’s, L’Opossum, Edo Squid, or The

Where on campus do you feel most energized? The basketball games, especially when we play
our rival VCU, are unmatched in terms of energy and school spirit. Some of my favorite
memories from college include cheering on the Spiders with all my friends in the Robins Center.
Or D-hall, because D-hall always has great energy and it’s the best place to run into people.

Favorite music genre: I listen to a range of different genres, but my favorites are probably
alternative rock and folk. Like I said, quite a range.

If you could go back to college and major in a different subject, what would you pick?
Hmm, this is tough because I loved my major and minor and would not have changed a thing,
but I often think it would be interesting to go back and study Philosophy or Art History.

What advice would you give to students going through the college search process? Be
authentic when choosing a college. Don’t feel pressured to conform to the “vibe” of any
particular school. Remember, the college you choose will be your home for four years, and your
true self will inevitably emerge. Don’t waste time trying to be someone you’re not. Also, be open
to new experiences. While it’s great to have a list of things you already enjoy, don’t limit
yourself. Some of the best things I did in college were activities I never tried in high school.